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Legal Operations

Übersicht unserer Artikel zum Themenbereich

Legal Operations: Effizienzsteigerung und Innovation in der Rechtspraxis

Herzlich willkommen in unserer Kategorie Legal Operations! Hier erfahren Sie alles über die strategische Verwaltung und Optimierung von Rechtsabteilungen und juristischen Prozessen. Legal Operations umfasst eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben wie Prozessoptimierung, Technologieimplementierung, Budgetplanung und vieles mehr. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre juristischen Abläufe effizienter gestalten, Kosten reduzieren und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Rechtsabteilungen und anderen Unternehmensbereichen verbessern können. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Legal Operations und entdecken Sie innovative Ansätze für eine erfolgreiche Rechtspraxis.

Commercial Power of Attorney: Types, Documentation & Best Practices

Discover the world of trade powers of attorney in this comprehensive guide. Learn everything about the different types of trade powers of attorney, how to document them, which common mistakes to avoid, and more. A must for entrepreneurs, law professionals and anyone interested in commercial law.

An illustrated power of attorney on a desk in the background of skyscrapers and an abstract presentation

Signature Regulation: Here Is How You Avoid Liability Risks

Discover the importance of signature regulations in business transactions. Learn more about power of attorney, power of attorney and the role of electronic signatures. Minimize liability risks through clear powers of representation in your company.

A man sitting in front of his laptop and agonises over a set of regulations

How to Find the Right Software for Legal Documents

Learn the most important tips and tricks to find the ideal software for legal document management. Our article will guide you through the process and help you choose the right solution to streamline your document management, increase productivity, and ensure regulatory compliance.

A wooden gavel sitting on top of keyboard

Wie Man Messbare Ziele Für Rechtsabteilungen Festlegt

This article looks at the importance of goal setting, provides practical tips for developing measurable goals, and highlights the benefits of using key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress.

Goal setting

Signing Authority: Everything You Need to Know

In this article, we explore why signing authority is so important in both private and business contexts. We address the importance of signing authority, the consequences of unauthorised signatures, and how clear guidelines for signature authority can help you make informed decisions and maintain accountability.

document with sign here note

Whistleblowing: Software Help for Corporate Misconduct

In this article, we will look at how whistleblowing supports companies and employees and how software can be used to make the whistleblowing process easier and more secure. We look at the various forms of whistleblowing software, their functions, and how they can be used to create a culture of ethics and transparency in an organization.

red stoplight

KPIs in the Legal Sector: How to Determine and Monitor Them

Key performance indicators, abbreviated “KPIs”, are business indicators that evaluate the performance and success of a company. KPIs provide the data and knowledge needed to answer key questions, and they should be measurable, detailed, and tailored to a company's specific goals.

red and white dart board

Contract Manager: Job Description, Responsibilities and Salary

Contract managers are responsible for the various phases of a contract's life cycle. They are involved in drafting, drafting and modifying contracts, following the process and supervising its execution. The overall goal of a contract manager is to ensure that the company gets the best possible results from every contract in the portfolio.

Red and white hire signage

Companies Beware: Legal Tech Optimizes Contracts

The legal sector has changed significantly with the help of technology. This new sector, in which legal activities are supported by technology, is known as legal tech. With the gradual introduction, the everyday life and work routine of many lawyers has already drastically changed.

Folder section with colour coding

Contract Preparation Guide for Legal and Sales Teams

For many companies, a functioning contract process means more contracts and thus growth in turnover and earnings. However, many companies regularly stumble when trying to set up a functioning contract process. As a result, millions are lost due to lost sales and frictional losses.

highlighted word steps in a textbook